“How to get Recruited by a College”

Did you know that there are 271 division 1 and 148 division 2 colleges that offer track and field scholarships for men. A total of 5,303.7 scholarships in the NCAA alone. For women the total number in the NCAA is 8,510? Not all athletic scholarships in track and field cover the whole cost of tuition, but they can put quite a dent in your tuition bill. Follow these steps if you would like to get recruited by a college track and field program
Step 1
Identify some colleges with track teams that you might be interested in attending. The College Sports Scholarships site provides contact information for all track and field coaches at NCAA,
NAIA, and NJCAA colleges.
Step 2
Write to the coaches on these track and field teams and tell them you are interested in their schools. Find out what camps they recommend for your specialty. For example, if you are a thrower, your choice of camp will be different than if you are a runner.
Step 3
Put together a package that highlights your skills and achievements. This includes medals, certificates and newspaper articles that you have been mentioned in. You can add letters of
recommendation from high school coaches and coaches at camps you have attended when the time is right.
Step 4
Look into some of the websites that connect coaches and athletes. These are both free sites:  www.berecruited.com     www.athletic-scholarships.net
Questions on Sports Scholarship process check out this site:  www.collegesportsscholarships.com/faqs.htm
Many fine young athletes are overlooked each year because they didn’t submit their athletic scholarship resume to the “right” colleges or left out important information. It’s also a fact that many colleges simply don’t allocate all of their track recruiting funds because “suitable” athletes didn’t approach them.
The NCAA allows each division 1 college track program 12.69 scholarships for men and 18 for women. In division 2 the ratio is 12.6 for men and 12.6 for women.
The college track recruiting process can be very competitive, most athletes have to market themselves.